4,000+ Professional Writers * 40,000+ Global Clients * 99.97% Client Approval rate * Unlimited Revisions * 100% Money-Back Guarantee!
A Small Sample of the Content We Write (need something else, just ask!) ...
- Direct Response and Lead Generation
- Case Studies (Customer Success Stories)
- Articles & Blog Posts
- Print Newsletters & eNewsletters
- MrBookCoach.com – Ghostwriting – helping you write and publish your book
- Business Consulting Leading to Profit Enhancement!
- White Papers, eBooks & Special Reports
- Landing & Squeeze Pages
- Autoresponders & Email Campaigns
- Social Media Ads & Outreach
- Opt-In pages
- Webinar Scripts
- Website: Copy, Review & Audit
- Newsletters
- Video Sales Letters
- Marketing eMails & sequences
- Sales Pages
- LinkedIn profiles
- Press Releases
- Thought-leadership pieces
- AND much more… just ask!
Thank you for your interest in our services… let me answer some FAQs for you:
You are here because you need quality (technical) copywriting completed and/or you feel overworked, overwhelmed and want more profit with less complexity. Even better would be someone who combines writing skills with technical knowledge and business coaching and growth strategies.
Whatever your reason for coming to this page, you want to know more about iink Media, myself and the services we provide as if we were sitting face-to-face, chatting in your office, you’d ask me questions. Wouldn’t you?
Let me try to answer a few of those questions right here.
“WHAT ARE YOUR QUALIFICATIONS?” Please visit the About page
“DO YOU HAVE A TECHNICAL BACKGROUND?” I have a BS in Electronic Engineering Technology from Old Dominion University. I also passed the grueling 8-hour EIT exam on the road to becoming a Professional Engineer (I intentionally never sat for the PE exam).
“DO YOU HAVE EXPERIENCE IN MY FIELD?” If you sell to businesses, industry, or through direct response, chances are we can write the copy you need. Just ask.
“WHAT KINDS OF ASSIGNMENTS DO YOU HANDLE?” We cover the full spectrum. A few recent interesting assignments include writing Wikipedia profiles and ghostwriting books.
Our specialty is our ability to write clear, credible, persuasive copy about a wide range of products and services, from simple to highly technical.
What’s more, I am able to quickly grasp complex problems and understand sophisticated technologies, then communicate them to our team. Clients appreciate the fact that I can sit down with them and ask intelligent questions and speak their language.
“WHY DOES YOUR TITLE SAY ‘CONSULTANT & WRITER’? In addition to writing copy, I also work with many of my clients as a consultant, copy and marketing strategist, helping them plan online and offline marketing campaigns that generate maximum response. They’re pleased to get on-target advice that produces excellent results which stems from my years as a technical marketer and salesman… and from running two of my own successful businesses.
“SPEAKING OF MONEY, WHAT DOES IT COST TO HIRE YOU FOR A PROJECT?” For any copywriting assignment–a direct mail package, a sales letter, a landing page, a white paper–just let me know what you have in mind and I’ll quote you a price.
“HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE YOU TO WRITE MY COPY?” Ideally, we like to have 2-3 weeks which gives us the time to polish, edit, and revise until you’re happy with every word. However, we realize you can’t always wait that long. So if the job is a rush, just indicate the date by which you must receive the copy. If we take on the job, I personally guarantee that you will have the copy on your desk by this deadline date–or sooner. No matter what the deadline, the copy we submit to you will be right. You can depend on it.
“WHAT HAPPENS IF WE WANT YOU TO REVISE THE COPY?” Just tell me what you want to be improved and what the changes are, and we’ll make them–fast. There is NO CHARGE for rewriting. Unlimited rounds of revisions are included in the fee we’ve agreed to for the assignment, provided they are assigned within 30 days of your receipt of the copy and are not based on a change in the assignment, or scope of the project, made after the copy has been submitted.
Most clients are pleased and enthusiastic about the copy when they receive it. But if you are not 100% satisfied, we’ll revise the copy according to your specific guidelines… and at my expense.
When you give me the go-ahead, we’ll write the assignment for you. You will receive your copy on or before the deadline date. And remember: it is guaranteed to please you.
If you have an immediate need for a copywriter, call or email me right now to discuss the job and give you a cost estimate.
Don’t see what you are looking for? Ask me about it. I also work on other writing assignments.