About Robert Culpepper

  • I’m a problem-solver and graduate engineer who’s worked for such technological powerhouses as Lockheed-Martin and Hewlett Packard, and I have written copy of all types since 1997.
  • I understand how technology companies work and the dynamic that occurs between engineering, manufacturing, marketing, sales and training… How? Because I’ve worked in all those departments!
  • I’ve also founded and managed both a training company and a digital marketing agency so I understand the challenges of running an organization and providing quality services.
  • I work with design and engineering through manufacturing, marketing and sales. I’m the go-to guy who can write technical documentation and persuasive lead gen and direct-response copy… and everything in between.

As Albert Einstein once said, “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.”

If you want the full story keep reading…

At 17, I started university and began my professional career as a civilian with the US Navy as an Electronics technician working on both the software and hardware on the F14 and A6 Aircraft.

At 21, I earned my BS(c) in Electronics Engineering and accepted a role as an Associate Engineer in the Astronautics Division for Lockheed Missiles and Space Company (now Lockheed Martin) in Sunnyvale, California.

At Lockheed I worked on the top-secret “Star Wars” project as a design engineer, laser operator and researcher. In addition to hands-on coding and laser work in the lab, I had to document my findings and then explain difficult concepts into simple, clear terms for the Air Force brass. The General’s may have been brilliant at cold-war strategy but severely lacked technical knowledge.

As an engineer I translated complex technology jargon into simple, easy to understand reports which helped insure the projects would continue to be funded.

My business card & laser operator's license at LMSC
My days at HP in Silicon Valley, California (care to guess which one is me?) Hint: I’m wearing a tie!

In the early 90’s I was by recruited by Hewlett Packard to work as a  Staff Engineer in the Components Sales division. 

I worked as a technical liaison between engineering, manufacturing and marketing in support of the internal and external sales teams. I also managed multiple external distribution channels throughout Silicon Valley. Working with my team in all the departments, helped the division achieve 120% growth for two consecutive years.

Over the years I progressed through the ranks in sales and marketing roles in both software and hardware in Silicon Valley and in Oxford, England.

In early 1999 I started a training company – The International School of Coaching – in Barcelona, Spain and sold it in 2008. I wrote all the marketing copy and ran the marketing campaigns that generated leads, fueled the sales team and created business in 17 countries. The International School of Coaching (TISoC) is still thriving today. 

In 2010 I started Partnered Marketing offering a wide-range of digital marketing and copywriting services and also took on interim marketing roles… in recent years I decided to stream-line my business and focus on providing the best copywriting service possible to technology companies that offer N.I.C.E. products and services… 

The common thread in my sales and marketing roles, actually in all my roles, is that I’ve had to write clear and persuasive copy to communicate difficult concepts, gather leads and close deals.

N. New | I. Innovative | C. Complex | E. Expensive (N.I.C.E.)

Today I work with companies that market New, Innovative, Complex, and Expensive (N.I.C.E.) products and services. 

Writing about N.I.C.E. technology is not easy.

You run the risk of copy that’s way too technical for the business buyer or so watered-down and light that the technical buyer can’t make a proper technical assessment.

Technology companies have a difficult time finding a writer who understands their technology, their audience and their market… and who can explain it so clearly that all parties involved in the buying decision are ‘get-it’.

Technical copywriting… eeeh gasp… is both an Art and a Science. 

This is my forte… I solve N.I.C.E. technology copywriting problems!–) .

I understand technology. I understand the business needs of technology companies. I understand the importance of clear copy… Let’s Talk!

On a Personal Note…

  • I have traveled to 43 countries and have lived and worked in five of them including the USA, England, France, Spain and Australia. I have a good understanding of language barriers and cultural differences.
  • I started my training company in Spain in 1999 and sold it in 2008.
  • In 2008 sold up everything in Spain and took a one-year sabbatical with my children visiting Panama, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Mexico.
  • In 2009 moved to France…  
  • In more recent years you’ll find me living and working between Spain, England and the USA… and traveling further afield (but that’s another story and a different web site!–)

Formally Trained…

An AWAI trained copywriter

Product Launch Manager trained by Jeff Walker

Ghostwriter – Graduate of Ghostpreneur Academy

AND I’m a Ray Edwards Certified Copywriter

I’ve apprenticed under renowned copywriter Ray Edwards and I’ve earned the prestigious Ray Edwards International Certified Copywriter designation (REICC). This means Ray has reviewed and approved my copywriting. You can read my certification bio here.

NOTE: Ray is one of the most sought-after direct-response copywriters on the planet and his copy is directly responsible for approximately $300,000,000 in sales for his clients. His clients include such heavy weights as Tony Robbins (author of Awaken the Giant Within and Money: Master the Game, Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen (co-authors of Chicken Soup For the Soul).

Ray no longer accepts client projects, instead he works on his own projects and why he’s trained a handful of copywriters like myself. 

I'm also Certified by "Digital Marketer" (USA)...

Random Bits...

I taught 'Consulting' at ESADE's Full-Time MBA program in Barcelona in 2003. The Financial Times Global MBA Ranking has ranked ESADE's Full-Time MBA #21 in the world. #7 in Europe. I was honored to work with ESADE and the graduate students.
Got 'the badge' but by choice never officially worked as a journalist except for writing the occasional travel blog post (worked great for getting free perks too!)