
"Robert Culpepper is a proven leader and master salesperson. His wealth of knowledge and understanding of the customer-business dynamic will allow you to grow your company. He conveniently, concisely and skillfully reframes the customer relationship from a typical adversarial role into a partnership where all benefit."
Rod Aries, President
Jaclind Corporation, Owner of 25,000+ active business and e-commerce web sites, San Diego, CA, USA
"I began applying the recommended financial analysis and business principles immediately with outstanding results. This practical approach to breaking down barriers, increasing profitability, and expanding and improving my customer base has helped improve all aspects of my business."
Dan Roberts, President
Linear Devices Corporation, Richmond, Virginia, USA
“Desperate for a web site that not only explained our essential market offering but, just as important, reflected our values, we turned to Robert to update the content and build a new site. He didn’t let us down. In short time, our site took shape and with just a few minor amends here and there, our new site was launched. We’ve since received many positive comments from both existing and new clients and we’re delighted that we now have a web site with clear content to be proud of.”
Dave Jarrett, Managing Director
Echo DMS, Ltd, Bristol, England
“Mr. Culpepper deeply examines many business core principles and points out some critical elements to growing and managing your business. I have applied a few techniques and business has been much better. Thank you Robert you have opened my eyes to many of the aspects of business that I was missing".
Arthur Arquilla
Mailbox Station, Encinitas, California, USA
Thank you Robert... this was definitely your bag and I can't thank you enough for such a comprehensive and speedy service. Super job!
Andrew Gibson, Director
Emergency Response Systems Ltd, Bristol, England
“Robert is passionate about helping businesses grow their business and understands the psychology of marketing and sales in a way that makes a practical difference."
John Rice, Sales & Marketing Director
Bowland Solutions, London
Robert's hand-ons approach gave him a solid understanding of our business requirements for our website and content. He asks the questions, digs deep and gets the job done right. Bottom Line: if you have the opportunity to work with Robert - Take It!
Dave Langdon, Director
Cotswold Steel, Ltd. Bristol, England
"I’ve known Robert for many years and have seen him in action. The guy is a business building champion and the fact he is willing to share his know-how with others will benefit all those who are eager to create increased results!"
Allard de Jong
Executive Coach, Barcelona, Spain
"Robert Culpepper has a unique ability of cutting through the chaff and simplifying the process of business."
David Trend, Director
Bowling Vision Ltd, England